Monday, May 18, 2009

SuperHeroes: The New Obession In HollyWood

There was a time when nobody wanted to do a "comic book" movie. Back in the day, these type of movies were frowned upon. Now every summer you get a new comic book movie. In 2000 We had X-men. Then we had Spider-Man in 2002. X-Men 2 and Hulk in 2003. Spider-Man 2 and The Punisher in 2004. 2005 we saw a new and rebooted Batman series called Batman Begins as well as the stinker Fantastic Four. In 2006 we saw X-Men 3 as well the boring Superman Returns. Then in 2007 we got the disappointing Spider-Man 3 as well as Fantastic Four 2 (this killed the series). Last year in 2008, We got at least four comic book based movies as well as a new Superhero movie. In 2008 we saw Hellboy 2, The Dark Knight, The Incredible Hulk, Iron Man and finally Hancock (I'll get to Hancock in a minute). And this year we get stuff like X-Men Origins: Wolverine, Watchmen, etc.

Millions of Americans see these movies. Comic Book Nerds and Geeks (there are literally millions of them in this country) and even people who never read a comic book in their entire lives see go to see this shit. It's good fun, special effects, shit blowing up, good guys vs the bad guys, etc. But what really makes me want to write my own Superhero Movie is the story of how the Will Smith superhero movie Hancock was made.

In 1996 a new comer screenwriter, Vy Vincent Ngo called a very dark story called Tonight, He Comes. The story about a sad and lonely Superman called Hancock was extremely well written, and everyone in Hollywood wanted to buy it. Finally in 2002 the script was sold. And know how much Mr.Ngo was paid? 4 Million dollars. Of course Hollywood compeltley ruined the screenplay-- and the adult superhero flik Tonight, He Comes became the train wreck of Hancock.

But this got me thinking-- what if I wrote my own superhero screenplay? Would I get paid the same amount if it was really good? Would it get made? That would be awesome if some producer or studio decided to buy my script-- but anways I am going to write a superhero movie. Its going to be called Tonight, Its Going To Be Epic. Hopefully then some hot shot producer would buy the screenplay or story rights and this will be made into a real movie (I wish). During the summer I will post the story in five parts. And if someone steals my idea-- so what-- at least it'll be made into a movie lol!!

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