Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Is How I met Your Mother getting better or worse?

I used to love the show How I met Your Mother. It was a funny and fresh sitcom. However now it seems to be getting boring and dull. For example the first two seasons (especially season 1) were really good. They were solid, funny and new. However Season three and four were just boring during most of their seasons. The ending of season three of How I Met Your Mother was good-- I liked where it was going-- however it got worse when it entered into season four. I'll comment some more in the future-- but does anyone else agree with me here?

Monday, June 29, 2009

Full Review of The Hangover

WOW. This movie is so good, I just saw it for the fourth time. It never gets old. It was directed by the same director as Old School (another funny movie) but the Hangover is much funnier and much more clever.

The movie is about three morons (Stu, Alan and Phil) who lose their best friend during a wild bachleor party in Las Vegas. The problem is that their friend Doug is getting married in 2 days-- so they have to find him and bring him back to L.A.

So Stu, Alan and Phil wake up after one wild night (we don't really get to see what happened) and their hotel room (in the Ceasers Palace) is literally trashed. There are stippers walking out, chickens all over the place and the room is completely trashed. When all three wake up they can't remember anything and like I said their friend is gone.

The reason why this movie works is because this movie is about adults who really shouldn't do what they did. There are a lot of these teen movies of teens partying, getting into problems and having girlfriend problems, etc, etc. But in this movie the guys are all about 40 years old-- they should know better. Thats what makes it so funny-- these adults get into major trouble and nobody is going to help them-- they are on their own. Funny.

I like Bradley Cooper here--- He usually plays a**holes (like in Wedding Crashers, etc) but here he is more likable, here he cares about his friends. The best part with him is when he tells his students (he plays a school teacher in this film) to bring 90 bucks for a fake feild trip and all the students do so-- but in reality he is taking their 90 bucks for the Vegas Trip. I thought that was very funny.

Ed Helms (Stu) is also great-- hes the one with brains-- kind of. His controlling and abusive girl friend is also funny-- the way he lets her take him-- man. And of course there is Zach Galifianakis playing a man child (Alan). But this character is my favriote-- he is just so bizarre. He is a retard here and almost everything he says will make you laugh.

Here I will list why the movie works so well:

* Its just 90 minutes-- not too bad.

* It always has something going down-- Either with Phil, Stu or Alan.

* Zach Galifianakis (Alan) steals the show. His character is hysterical. Almost every scene he is in is funny. I especially liked when he screamed "Hey there are Skittles in there!" and when he kicks a cell phone from the hands of a little boy.

* The pictures show what happened during the night of their bachelor party at the end---- and WOW.

If you haven't seen this movie, go see it. It is funniest movie I have seen this year.


Thursday, June 18, 2009

The Hangover: Funny, Fresh and as Peter Griffin (From Family Guy would say) Freaking sweet!

The Hangover is the best movie I've seen this summer. Funny and even a little touching, this movie is so great. My full review coming soon-- but wow this movie is awesome.

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Why the Office Sucks

The American Office is probably one of the most boring shows ever. It just keeps going on and on, with no end in sight. Of course people have told me its the greatest show ever--- because it is so realistic. Not really. The Office is a fantasy--- No Boss of any company is Micheal Scott stupid. There's no way someone like that could get the position hes in. Moreover the Office is suppose to be a comedy--- yet it really isn't (I never really laughed at any of the jokes).

But what really pisses me off is people are saying how real it is, how great it is, and how its the greatest thing on TV right now. Well again, I completely disagree. And I'll get to why in a second.

First off, The Office is NOT original. Its actually a rip off of the U.K. Show The Office. Everybody knows that. And the U.K. Office, was the greatest TV show ever made. After watching the original version-- there is no better TV show (other than maybe LOST, but thats a different story). The U.K. Office was a love story for men--- it was a story of never giving up, never giving up hope--- it was a show that perfectly captured the people you work with. It was amazing from the first episode to the next-- very well made and very well written.

Of course the American Office has none of that-- and I'll get into that in the following posts.

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Can Men and Women Just Be Friends

Recently I was going into some deep thinking about my past... and started to wonder Did I ever have any friends who were women? That to me was a difficult question, because I can't really say. If I did in the past, I no longer do now. However I do know that my best friends and other close friends are all men.

However this got me thinking-- Plantonic Friendships are they possible? Can a man and a woman just be friends and share all of life's joys and sorrows together without any romance getting involved? In the past I have certainly seen it. However in the past I always noticed something... its all about the people's race. In other words a White Woman will have many White Men for friends, a Black Women will have many Black Men as friends, A Brown Man will have many Brown Women friends, a Asian person will have Asian friends, an Arab, etc.

But in recent times now race is no longer much of a problem (although racism still exists in America) and now more men of differnce races and ethnicites are now becoming friends with women of differnet races and ethnicities. So going back to my original question--- is it possible for a man and woman to be friends? Maybe for most people. But for some men its just not possible, and sadly that is my case. Every women whom I have attempted to become friends with either left or betrayed me, leaving me in some loneiness and emptiness inside. But don't end up like me, its certainly possible if your a man to make friends and find comfort with a woman. It will provide something more than a close male friendship can offer.