Thursday, June 11, 2009

Why the Office Sucks

The American Office is probably one of the most boring shows ever. It just keeps going on and on, with no end in sight. Of course people have told me its the greatest show ever--- because it is so realistic. Not really. The Office is a fantasy--- No Boss of any company is Micheal Scott stupid. There's no way someone like that could get the position hes in. Moreover the Office is suppose to be a comedy--- yet it really isn't (I never really laughed at any of the jokes).

But what really pisses me off is people are saying how real it is, how great it is, and how its the greatest thing on TV right now. Well again, I completely disagree. And I'll get to why in a second.

First off, The Office is NOT original. Its actually a rip off of the U.K. Show The Office. Everybody knows that. And the U.K. Office, was the greatest TV show ever made. After watching the original version-- there is no better TV show (other than maybe LOST, but thats a different story). The U.K. Office was a love story for men--- it was a story of never giving up, never giving up hope--- it was a show that perfectly captured the people you work with. It was amazing from the first episode to the next-- very well made and very well written.

Of course the American Office has none of that-- and I'll get into that in the following posts.

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